Saturday 23 June 2012


So I didn't feel quite right about jumping into what this blog is supposed to be meant for (not that I'm really sure where this is all going) without giving myself some kind of introduction. I'm fairly certain that no one is going to read any of what I have to write here, but I do enjoy writing and now that I've been thrown into the midst of a four month long summer I feel like I should do something with my time other than sitting around watching youtube videos and netflix all day (quite literally my life at the moment). I'm a university student that resides in the foreign land of Canada, and I am currently studying graphic design. I completed my first year in April, and have since been trying to find some sort of a job to aid the empty void that is my bank account. Unsuccessfully, might I add.

I have always been a big fan of the beauty community on youtube, and as much as I would love to put in my two cents, my lack of confidence in front of the camera has prevented me from doing so. Thus, this blog was born, and I plan on sharing my opinions on products I have tried, and random thoughts that I want to put out there in the off chance that some lone soul will stumble across something they find interesting or helpful.